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Tytuł książki:

Someone to Love

Autor książki:

Jude Deveraux

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Pocket Books
Rok wyd.: 2007
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 308 s.
Wymiar: 110x178 mm
EAN: 9781847391384
ISBN: 978-18-4739-138-4
Data: 2008-11-13
pozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

In Deverauxs familiar latest, Jace Montgomerys fiancée, Stacy, commits suicide while theyre vacationing in England—or so, three years after her death, everybody but Jace believes. The chance discovery of a letter Stacy received days before she died and a photo of Priory House in Margate, England - the village where Stacy committed suicide - prompt Jace to investigate. Finding Priory House for sale, Jace buys it despite its ugliness and expense. Dwelling in the house is the ghost of young Ann Stuart, who lived there in the 1870s and committed suicide just before her wedding. A local journalist, the beautiful and confrontational Nightingale Smythe, joins man and spirit in the search for the truth about Stacy and Anns deaths.

Książka "Someone to Love" - Jude Deveraux - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Pocket Books. Książka posiada 308 stron i została wydana w 2007 r.